LATCH 駅員日誌

小鳥遊 悠吏

How serendipitous are my circumstances!


How serendipitous are my circumstances!


Yesterday at the studio, I had the pleasure of presenting a performance to Shoji-sama himself! Not only did he grace me with his presence, but he also shared his kind thoughts, remarking, "Yuri, your performances consistently exude confidence and elegance"... It was a moment of pure exquisite splendor!


Shoji-sama is a figure of the highest distinction, and I must declare that his enduring, gentle smile, which has remained unaltered since our very first encounter, is the most captivating aspect of his character.


The day when I briefly returned to Japan for a vacation and alighted at Tokyo Station is etched forever in my memory. Shoji-sama's magnificent and graceful demeanor while assisting passengers with directions was positively dazzling. Even now, I can vividly recall the sensation of an electric thrill coursing through me at that precise moment.


Once I have completed my journal entry, I shall brew some tea and take a moment to pause whilst gazing upon the sacred domain of Shoji-sama, shall I not? Though I discreetly fashioned my sacred space within the confines of the closet, Aeba-san swiftly discovered my creation. However, his response was most gracious, as he commended it by saying, "You've got such an ability to manifest your sentiments in such a delightful manner." His words fill me with even greater pride in my devotion. Now, it has become a daily ritual to open the closet door and savor a moment of tea. Well, I should prepare a cup of tea for Aeba-san as well!
